
On the Northern Lights Pulse Podcast, hosts Peter and Rachael will be discussing the tough issues that face teens and young adults today. They will be bringing in their own personal experiences, as well as talking with professionals and other guests in the areas that they are tackling. The podcast will be hard hitting at times, but we will also be having some fun as well. The podcast is meant to be a conduit for stories to be told, and information to be shared, so if you have a story or a topic that you would like to talk about, please contact us!

Below is a list of the episodes that can currently be found on Anchor. You can also find our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and several other services.

Talking with Teens Series

Future Episodes

Coming Soon!

  • Episode 39: Civic Engagement and Servant Leadership
  • Episode 40: Making Friends
  • Episode 41: Eating Disorders
  • Episode 42: Climate Change
  • Episode 43: Good Decision Making Skills
  • Episode 44: The Science of Hope
  • Episode 45: Making "Waves"
  • Episode 46: Stress, Depression, and Anxiety, What’s the Difference?
  • Episode 47: The Importance of Youth in the Community

We would like your input on the topics that we discuss. Please contact us with your suggestions.